Workshops met Raimund en Ana
Op 14-15-16 februari geven Raimund & Ana workshops ‘Cayengue’, ‘Rhythm a phrases’, ‘Vals’, ‘Pauses’, ‘Milonga’. De workshops gaan door bij “Barrio de Tango” op de site Oud St. Jan in Brugge. Inkom via Parking, Zonnekemeers 18, Brugge
Vrijdag 14 februari:
19u15 – 20u30: San Valentine’s workshop surprise: Tapa of Canyengue
20u30 – 24u00: Milonga DJ Raimund
Zaterdag 15 februari:
14u00 – 15u15: Rhythm & phrases in tango: good to know.
Tango is pop music. All pop music is to dance. Pop music needs nice melodies, danceable beats, rhythms, harmonies and maybe lyrics. Tango has all that but makes a difference: the beat tends to be irregular and varies a lot. These varieties follow certain patterns forming a repertoire, that we can learn to improve our dance!
15u30 -16u45: Fly with me: Vals!
Waltz originated in Europe and was the first social dance where a couple moves in an embrace. Before that social dances happened in groups in a circle or in line. The waltz thus caused a sexual revolution and of course outrage! Colonialists brought Waltz to Latin America where it changed into Vals. A different dance was born but one thing remained: the embrace. Let´s find out the unique features of Vals that let you fly!
Zondag 16 februari:
14u00 – 15u15: Having a break: the dynamics of pauses tango is walking, rumour says. True, but not quite. What´s happening always are pauses, beginnings and endings caused by the limited space we have. And last but not least by the music! In this class we find out why, when and how we can use breaks to spice up our dance.
15u30 – 16u45: Milonga, the joyful sister of tango (VOLZET)
Milonga can also be designated as mother of Tango, as its origins are in the Habanera, a popular rhythm from 19th century which became „ritmo del tango“. Milonga has a different energy than tango, another quality of movement and intention. We will figure out what makes the difference and how we can enjoy the special features of Milonga!
17u00 – 22u00: Milonga Media Luna
€ 15,00 per workshop per persoon
Raimund en Ana
Pasos de Brujas heeft het genoegen om Raimund en Ana te kunnen aantrekken in het valentijnsweekend.